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Limbaugh, caller on what Trump's rise has to do with pro-LGBT Super Bowl Halftime show
Limbaugh on Trump use of "pussy" vs corrupt, Bill Clinton-loving, "a joke today" feminazi movement
Limbaugh Laments That Republicans "Are Too Busy Stopping" Things Like LGBT Rights To Their Agenda
Limbaugh, caller on Trump hurt in Iowa by caucus process (Public + Trump fans considered "nuts"?)
Limbaugh w caller who alleges Christie attack on Rubio made him ashamed to be a Republican
Limbaugh on Big Media asses pretended to be offended by Trump saying "pussy"
Trump Says He'll Change as President (Limbaugh comments)
Limbaugh celebrates Trump's remarkable performer's sensitivity, instincts
Megyn Kelly Can Defend Herself - Rush Limbaugh and caller
Limbaugh First Commentary on NH Primary: "Panic has set in" for GOP Establishment
Bernie Got Schlonged on Delegates in New Hampshire Primary (Limbaugh)
Limbaugh on the rapid physical deterioration of [rapist] Bill Clinton